Episode 75: Amy Gets Out Of Town, Flaming Lips Concert Update, & Rat Barn


This week, Amy & Maya are back from Thanksgiving break and ready to party. First, Amy is back from the woods and refreshed and has some pandemic getaway tips. Next, Amy & Maya share that they both loved gym class and are part of a storied 1990's Badminton dynasty. Then, Amy's mom, Marsh is staying with her and things are getting VERY clean around there. Maya is on hold for the Flaming Lips bubble but not on hold for Rat Barn training! This week, Amy & Maya have watched a lot of things and have reviews for you and have found a rockstar in Biden's cabinet. Finally, Amy & Maya really bring things down with a death penalty discussion but bring things back up again when thanking all of the Spirit of 77's loyal listeners! SOSS nation forever!