The Spirit Of 77 Is Born


Why are these two doing a podcast? Frankly, we have a lot to say about a lot of stuff, and, well, because we can…

Once upon a late night, I (Amy) was lying awake in bed thinking about this not-yet-created podcast as I had many times before. I needed a partner, and who could it be? And just like that, at 2:00 am (which used to be the time we would just be hanging around at bar close), it hit me…. MAYA! DUH! My bestie from the nestie, my main chick, my TWIN BROTHER (just listen and we shall explain)!

So, here it is. “What is it about?” many people wonder (and keep asking us). It is about everything and nothing, but central to every second of every episode is our relationship. Both born in 1977 three days apart, friends for almost 30 years (seriously, woah), came of age in the good ‘ol ’90s, and frankly, a little sick of Gen Xers being overlooked.

So, get your Contempo Casuals ruffled jean shorts, baby tees, and chokers, and kindly place them in the giveaway pile (we have already done them friends, and we shan’t do it again) and gather ‘round and treat yourself to a listen. The Spirit of 77 podcast is here for you. We have been through a few things by now, friends, let’s discuss.

This is the audio nostalgia tour you want to be a part of, not the sad state of affairs of our teen idols and dreams ambling around, hair plugs and facelifts creepily gazing at us from a casino stage.  

It’s the Spirit of 77!

Amy & Maya

With Tyler Christenson, audio producer and engineer