Episode 64: Long Time Listener/1st Time Caller, Pond Rant, & Wear A Seatbelt F*ckers!


In this episode, Amy & Maya are once again on the deck and talking pond drama right off the bat. Then, there is a long time listener first-time caller into the SOSS to discuss the Netflix hit Indian Matchmaking, and then Amy & Maya pitch a show to HGTV and celebrate Snoop Dogg's latest endorsement deal with Corona.
Next, Amy & Maya discuss political commercials. Really they are focusing on the poor production quality of these commercials and are officially offering up their services to take on production of these commercials.
The NFL is back and there is progress, Amy & Maya have watched some new shows, and Amy prescribes Maya to watch Action Park because it is on HBO and Amy will never have HBO.
Finally, Maya asks the interesting question Why are the celebrities getting Lymes Disease and Amy answers this. (Spoiler alert: there is at least one thing wrong with you). Forest Bathing, Earthing, and re-negotiating producer Tyler's contract and we are out!