In this episode, Amy & Maya join together to reflect on the murder of George Floyd and the subsequent revolution that started in Minneapolis just last week. Amy & Maya are working on doing the difficult but crucial work of listening, learning, reflecting and planning to take sustainable actions in their own lives to end racism.
Here is a link to fundraisers to rebuild Minneapolis focused on BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) owned businesses/neighborhoods and organizations you can support that are working to dismantle systemic racism:
If you are interested in contacting your congressperson via phone or email about the bill to end qualified immunity here are some links and a script you can use below. You can read a draft of the bill HERE.
You can call the capital switchboard at 202-224-3121 and asked to be connected to your representative. A legislative assistant will answer the phone. They'll ask if you need a response. It is your choice if you do or you don’t, but if you say you don’t need a response it streamlines the process because they don’t have to add you to a response database.
Be concise and clear. You don’t need a long elaborate explanation on why you support or oppose the legislation - the legislative assistant has to notate everything you say so it’s best to be direct and brief.
Here is a sample script:
Hello. My name is __________. I’m a constituent from your district. My address is ___________. I’m calling to urge Representative ______________ to support bill H.R.7085 The Ending Qualified Immunity Act. Thank you.